Aminu Daurawa : A Silent Fundamentalist
By : Aliyu Dahiru Aliyu
The head of Kano Hisbah board, “sheikh” Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa, is an epitome of silent politico-dynamic religious fanatic and insidious recruiter of fundamentalists in northern Nigeria. A person who exploits the loopholes of the northern sociocultural milieu and starts showing himself as a mufti. One will not have a tiresome day to trace his genealogy to the 13th century well known extremist, Ibn Taimiyya, who lived all his life writing and preaching for “holy war” against those he termed as heretics, innovators, deviants and infidels. Ibn Taimiyya wrote 8 volumes against shi’ites, 10 volumes against sufis, 5 volumes against philosophers, and uncountable volumes against whoever is against his puritanical view of Islam. Daurawa, a silent fundamentalist, a typical Wahhabi and preacher of war and an open supporter of Osama bn Laden and his 9/11 in America; is a good follower of Ibn Taimiyya who in many of his fatwas in local radio FM stations is sourcing his views from the same intolerant Ibn Taimiyya.
I already know, I’ll not be spared from the harsh comments of his blind followers and silent neo-fundamentalists on Daurawa’s line, but my voice will not be intimidated by the meew of these cats. His Wahhabism, which he publicly associated with Osama bin Laden, is the same ideology we see its outcome today. After 9/11, Daurawa in one of his audio clips, criticised those who see suicide bombing as evil and haram (prohibited) and called them hypocrites! In the same audio, he preached a violent jihad saying even God is a suicide bomber! Daurawa didn’t stop, he said that it is Islamically allowed for a bomber to explode himself amidst innocent people wherever they are, God will separate good from evil among them in the hereafter.
One may wonder, how a democratic secular government of Kano state could employ this man as a head of Islamic police? How this school dropout and football club ex-coach could be given a chair in the council of kano scholars just because he was advertised by a local FM station? Government may not know that it is working with an insidious enemy. For government to know this, ask him about his views on some sections and sub-sections in Nigerian constitution. Ask him about his views on Shi’a and Ahmadiyya minorities. Ask him about freedom of religion, conscience and thought. As a good follower of Ibn Uthaimeen, I know Daurawa will not deviate from the intolerant wahhabi fatwas of Uthaimeen and other Wahhabis like Saleh Fawzan and Ibn Bazz. If government is seriously researching on the genesis and sources of fundamentalism in northern Nigeria, I know Daurawa will never escape this grip.
By the way, I know the zigzagging and hypocrisy of Aminu Daurawa. He will soon go to radio stations and start calling us names (secularists, innovators, shi’ites, hypocrites, e.t.c). But we have his audio preaching war and suicide bombing which is online and can be easily downloaded. The harsh reactions we may get from his co-fanatics will never stop us from calling the attention of other people to watch the movement of this pseudo scholar. People need to stand up until this man is stripped from his power as a head of Islamic police (Hisbah) in Kano before another emergence of “Markaz Ibn Taimiyya”.
listen and download the audio in Hausa language here